With snow or severe weather Midlothian schools will do everything possible to remain open. Please visit the Midlothian Council website as early in the morning as possible and listen to Radio Forth for up-to-date information.
Please do not telephone the school. The most up-to-date information will be on the Midlothian Council website from approximately 05.30 each day.
If Midlothian Council decides to close our school due to adverse weather conditions during the school day
- Mrs Munro (Administrative Assistant) will text parents and carers to let you know
- Please check the Midlothian Council website rather than telephone our school office to ask what might happen, or is happening, as this will jam our lines of communication.
- School staff will look after children until parents, carers or emergency contacts have collected them. It is vital that you keep our Office Staff informed of any changes in your contact details so that they can do this.
In the event of our school being closed, your child’s Teacher will, each day, arrange a Google Meeting and learning activities on your child’s Seesaw account, as per The Midlothian Promise for the Delivery of Remote Learning used during the previous school closure due to COVID (January to March 2021).
Class Teachers will provide children and young people with their entitlement to a balance of ‘live’ learning opportunities (which may also take the form of recorded videos or voice recordings in which teachers explain and/or demonstrate the learning) and independent activities.
Each day your child’s Teacher will arrange on Seesaw Class:
- one check-in style Google Meeting;
- one learning activity relating to numeracy and maths;
- one learning activity relating to literacy and language; and
- one cross-curricular learning activity.
Within normal working hours, each Teacher will provide written and/or oral feedback to your child about his / her attempts for each of these learning activities. Teachers’ feedback may be given during the next day.
Thank you for your understanding and support,
Douglas Lawson, Head Teacher