School is closed but we can still have our Egg Decorating Competition!
Decorate your egg(s) and send a picture to the Parent Council on with your NAME and CLASS. Deadline is FRIDAY 3rd APRIL.
I will collect the pictures in a website (anonymous of course) and find an impartial judge (it won’t be a parent or relative of any child at school) to pick the best one in each class.
Please DON’T go out shopping to buy stuff to decorate your egg. Stay at home. Use what you can find at home or in the garden. Be creative; recycle stuff, re purpose stuff. Use something that’s egg shaped instead of a real egg (mustn’t waste real food!).
As usual, eggs must be ALL the children’s own work. Don’t do it for them.
Any questions, please contact me here:, rather than the school. They are busy enough as it is.
Trust this finds you all safe and well.
Best wishes
Emma Diffley
Tynewater Parent Council Chair